Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Theatre for Development Workplacement Trip to South Africa, 2 to 12 September 2014

For the third year in a row [and twice this year], St. Mary's University Applied Theatre students will be partaking in a theatre for development workplacement in & around Durban in September.

The trip will include delivering drama workshops in schools in Harding utilizing South African writer Gcina Mhlophe's book,'Stories of Africa', working with the applied theatre students at the University of KwaZulu Natal and facilitating forum theatre performances in communities centres.

This workplacement comes quickly on the heals of the final year students' trip to South Africa in April and will follow much of the same schedule with the addition of working with UKZN students.

This workplacement aims to introduce students to the key challenges in using drama to support international development programmes.  As well as exposing students to a specific cultural context for their work, it will also provide an active dialogue between practitioners in Africa and our students who will have the chance to reflect on how their learning within an British University can be further influenced and, if necessary, challenged, by the active practice of working in Africa.