Tuesday, 28 July 2020


WriteNow Berlin is a playwriting community based in Berlin that inspires and encourages people to put their ideas on paper in the most engaging and daring way. 

They recently had a play competition and I was fortunate enough to direct from afar the play The Sanctuary. 

The entire festival can be seen here:

I am looking forward to seeing the other nine pieces at the premiere on Friday 31 July.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Stills from Sensitivity, by Hugh Allison as part of the New Normal / New Writing Festival

Marta Bonito

Marta Bonito

Heather Porte

Penny Lisle

Marta Bonito

Heather Porte

Penny Lisle

Marta Bonito

Heather Porte

Penny Lisle
By Hugh Allison
            Directed by Molly Bater