Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Safer sex/ Gender Equality Questions to be asked at Interview

Sex education/education
• How are young people educated about sex education, what are your experiences of it and who gives it?
• How are young people educated about gender equality what are your experiences of it and who gives it?
• Do you think it is important to be educated in safer sex? If so why?
• Do you think it is important to be educated in gender equality, if so why?
• What would you wish to see further developed in sex education?
• What would you wish to see further developed in gender equality?
• Do you think that in the UK HIV isn’t made as prevalent as pregnancy and STI’s? What is your opinion on this?
Society and community
• What are you and your friend’s personal preferences towards gender equality?
• What are you and your friend’s personal preferences towards safer sex?
• If women dress provocatively, are they ‘asking for it’?
• What are your cultural attitudes towards women who have a voice and speak out about safer sex?
• What are your cultural attitudes towards women who have a voice and speak out about gender equality?
• Whose responsibility is it to carry a condom? Is there more pressure on men or women to do this?
• Are there still gender stereotypes (i.e. women raise a family, men go to work)?
• What are your views on gender equality in society?
• What is the balance in a relationship/marriage?
• What is your personal practice around safer sex and what are your views on contraception?
• What would you do/have you done if; in the heat of the moment you didn’t have a condom?
• In regards to gender equality, what factors have influenced your opinion? (cultural, political, personal, social)
• In regards to safer sex, what factors have influenced your opinion? (cultural, political, personal, social)
Follow on questions
• Why do you think these attitudes exist, can they be changed, how and why?
• Do you think performance can change people’s perceptions of contraception, why?

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